Indoor Air Quality: How's Your Air?

The Missing Piece

After being in residential and commercial energy efficiency for nearly a decade now, indoor air quality was not on my radar until the recent brouhaha over gas stove (so sorry to IAQ fans!). I’ve recently changed my tune after I finally got an air quality monitor!

Real-Time Indoor Air Quality Data

The Awair Element has real-time indoor air quality data, with changes tracked over time. It monitors temperature, humidity, CO2, VOCs, and PM2.5 in a simple visual. And it lives right over there on my kitchen countertop, so I can immediately see the impact of any activity in my house from a central location.In addition to seeing the ups and downs across the five different measurement parameters, and being able to adjust with fresh air, or the kitchen vent, or changing the thermostat, one really fun development for me was just developing an intuitive sense for why a certain reading would make sense.

Real Life Example

Cooking can spike humidity, PM2.5, and sometimes VOCs. Having lots of people in the house (or even just a concentration of our family of four) in the kitchen can spike CO2. Spiked humidity is very common throughout the summer in Michigan, and that was one of the most common contributors to flagging IAQ numbers for us this year.

Get your own Awair Element

Is it time to invest in your home's air quality awareness? Get 10% off when you use code GPGFRIEND at